
Showing posts from June, 2016

Life is... Busy!

Yes.. I am still in Honduras-- but wow, it has been a VERY long time since I sat down to write a blog!! The past few months have been challenging. The March- May months were long, hot and dry. Picture a 95 degree day, where you walk outside and start sweating instantly. Then picture yourself walking back inside to an air conditioned room, hopping in an air conditioned car, and going anywhere. Now, take away the air conditioning and the car, and you have where I am. No AC and no readily available car to drive wherever I want. As you can imagine, the heat is exhausting. It takes the energy, life, and motivation right out of me. In the middle of May I started my online classes. If I told you the past 6 weeks have been easy I would be lying. It's easy to post only good things on social media, cute faces, smiles, and a facade that presents a perfect life--where I love broken kids in a third world country, share about Jesus' love and have zero problems. This is a lie. I LOVE thes