
Showing posts from April, 2016

What Gatorade Taught Me About Love

As I lay in bed realizing I should be asleep by now, I can't help but thank God for this crazy, awesome life I get to live. These kids make me smile day after day.   Some days are hard. There are days where nothing seems to go right; students aren't listening, they aren't "getting it" as quickly as I'd like, or there's days where I'm just plain exhausted. But, each night as I reflect on the day while looking at pictures that were taken, I can't help but be thankful. I'm thankful I get to experience what true joy is. I'm thankful I get to watch & coach soccer, where the kids experience their joy. I'm thankful I get to pour into these kids, and show them and tell them that I love them.  Today we had a soccer game. {which, as a side note my team won after their incredible comeback losing 5-1, and winning in overtime 8-7..} I bring a big container of Gatorade to each game as a little motivation for my players. It's amazing how many