What Gatorade Taught Me About Love

As I lay in bed realizing I should be asleep by now, I can't help but thank God for this crazy, awesome life I get to live. These kids make me smile day after day.
Some days are hard. There are days where nothing seems to go right; students aren't listening, they aren't "getting it" as quickly as I'd like, or there's days where I'm just plain exhausted. But, each night as I reflect on the day while looking at pictures that were taken, I can't help but be thankful. I'm thankful I get to experience what true joy is. I'm thankful I get to watch & coach soccer, where the kids experience their joy. I'm thankful I get to pour into these kids, and show them and tell them that I love them. 
Today we had a soccer game. {which, as a side note my team won after their incredible comeback losing 5-1, and winning in overtime 8-7..} I bring a big container of Gatorade to each game as a little motivation for my players. It's amazing how many kids flock when they see this container. They constantly exclaim, "me want.. Me want!" This got me thinking. These kids, like all kids, love gifts. They love to be given things and love accepting something someone gives to them (if they like it.) There's one thing, however that is extremely hard for them to accept. 
                          L O V E 

I'm learning more each day of the painful pasts each child has, and why they find it so difficult to accept love. They don't hear it nearly enough, and they refuse to believe that I can still love them even when they've done something wrong, had a bad day, or were just being mean. 

But do you know the most rewarding thing? Seeing their faces light up when they hear me say "I still love you, and God loves you.." Accepting love is a difficult concept for them to grasp, because of the scars, burdens, and weight each child carries from his or her past. I hope and pray one day each child here will accept this free gift of love Christ offers us.. It's there for the taking. Will you accept it? 

               I love this boy, Mauro.
My favorite thing is when I say goodnight, or tell him goodbye and say "I love you." He then responds in his gruff little 9 year old voice "..me most." Every time, my heart melts more and more. I immediately smile, hug him a little bit tighter, and pray he will learn to accept that free gift God has for him. 


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