
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Very Next Thing

Lately, God has been teaching me a lot... Maybe no more than usual, but now my ears and heart are open and willing to listen... Often times I don't realize what I'm learning until I'm talking to others and realize how my perspective on life has changed. (Side note: I'm SO thankful for the friends and mentors God has placed in my life who ask me hard questions and walk through life with me, reminding me where I was and where I am now!) Currently, I'm learning to be content wherever I am. If I'm constantly wishing I were somewhere else I'd be miserable. A wise friend once told me (the first time I didn't want to leave Honduras,) "Rachel, you aren't supposed to be here right now... For whatever reason, you need be at home in PA." That statement has stuck with me over the last year and a half. If I'm grateful for where I'm at in the moment, I am able to not only learn more, but find true joy in the "mundane" of everyday life.