The Very Next Thing

Lately, God has been teaching me a lot... Maybe no more than usual, but now my ears and heart are open and willing to listen... Often times I don't realize what I'm learning until I'm talking to others and realize how my perspective on life has changed. (Side note: I'm SO thankful for the friends and mentors God has placed in my life who ask me hard questions and walk through life with me, reminding me where I was and where I am now!)

Currently, I'm learning to be content wherever I am. If I'm constantly wishing I were somewhere else I'd be miserable. A wise friend once told me (the first time I didn't want to leave Honduras,) "Rachel, you aren't supposed to be here right now... For whatever reason, you need be at home in PA." That statement has stuck with me over the last year and a half. If I'm grateful for where I'm at in the moment, I am able to not only learn more, but find true joy in the "mundane" of everyday life. If I'm constantly looking to the next "big thing" in my life, I'll miss what is right in front of me. It's easy to think "I'm not in Honduras, so I can't be used.." But this is lie Satan tries to tell me, and I have to remind myself it is in fact a LIE, and that God can use me anywhere, I just have to be willing to listen!

 "Who says big things
Are somewhere off in the distance
I don't want to look back
Just to see all the times that I missed it"

This life is amazing, and the more adventures I go on, and the more I experience God's mercy and love, the more I want to live in the moment.. Like the song says-- I don't want to look back just to see all the times that I missed those "big moments," because I was too busy looking ahead to the next big thing. 

This past weekend I went to the Casting Crowns concert (it was amazing). Since then however, I've had their new cd "The Very Next Thing" on repeat. My favorites are One Step Away, Loving My Jesus, God of All My Days, and of course The Very Next Thing. Wow, are they good!! The more I listen to the songs, the more the lines from them stick out to me. For this post, I'll stick to talking about The Very Next Thing. 

(notice how much of it is bold... that's what sticks out to me... yep, every word.)

"I spend all my time 
Dreaming what the future's gonna bring
When all of this time
There's a world passing by right in front of me
Set my sights on tomorrow
While I'm tripping over today
Who says big things
Are somewhere off in the distance
I don't want to look back
Just to see all the times that I missed it
I want to be here and now
Starting right here, right now
With the very next words of love to be spoken
To the very next heart that's shattered and broken
To the very next way you're gonna use me
Show me the next thing
I'll do the next thing
Let my very next breath
Breathe out a song of praise to you
With my very next step
Be on a road that was planned by you
Lord, wherever you're leading me
That's where I want to be
Eyes wide open I see you working
All around me you're on the move
Step by step I'm running to meet you
In the next thing, in the next thing" 
So often I find myself excited for what is next (which there is nothing wrong with, it's awesome to be excited about things!). But, I talk about my next step being going to Spain..... But what am I going to do in the next 8 weeks before I leave? Just because I'm not in Honduras doesn't mean there aren't people here who need Jesus-- need to experience his love, grace and forgiveness. People are people, whether I'm in Pennsylvania, Honduras, or Uganda. If I am intentional in my actions, loving in my words, and stepping each step running to meet God in the next thing, it leads me to wonder all that could happen! It's been a LOONG journey of learning how to be content, and I'm nowhere near being done. I don't want this to be about me, it's not! It's about what God has been revealing to me in the past hours, days, months and years. The more I write blogs, the more I am reminded of what God has done in my own life. It's a simple way I can not only get my thoughts gathered in one place, but also a way to reflect on all that GOD HAS DONE.

One thing Mark Hall, the lead singer of Casting Crowns said that stuck out to me was this: "People may try to argue with you about God, but they can't argue with you about your story." WOW. So, in the meantime, I'm going to do my best to share my story.

JOY is what happens 

when we allow ourselves to recognize 

how good things really are

I want my very next words of love to be spoken. I want my very next breath to be a song of praise to my Lord and Savior. I want my very next step to be on a road that God has planned for me... Wherever the Lord is leading me, THAT Is where I want to be, because THAT is where I have found my true JOY. 

Now, I challenge you to give this song a listen, then pray with me about your next step following what God has for you, wherever and whatever that is :) 


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