
Showing posts from January, 2017

Deeper Still...

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different."      - C.S. Lewis This was my life 365 days ago-- forming new friendships, outfitting my new bedroom, decorating my classroom, and preparing to teach 15 Spanish-speaking four year olds English.  A little perspective as to where I was at this time: I hated being away from home, yet I had just moved to Honduras-- a Spanish speaking country, where I was going to teach English-- except I wasn't a teacher, and I didn't know Spanish!! Six months in Honduras was enough to completely change my outlook on life, yes, but also the direction of my life. Once I finally came to the conclusion that I was returning to the States to finish school, a friend mentioned studying abroad. Fast forward a few months-- when I began to finally take this advice into consideration. I continued to ask God to open and close doors, and make it clear what the next step was. Enter Internationa