Deeper Still...

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different."
     - C.S. Lewis

This was my life 365 days ago-- forming new friendships, outfitting my new bedroom, decorating my classroom, and preparing to teach 15 Spanish-speaking four year olds English. 

A little perspective as to where I was at this time: I hated being away from home, yet I had just moved to Honduras-- a Spanish speaking country, where I was going to teach English-- except I wasn't a teacher, and I didn't know Spanish!! Six months in Honduras was enough to completely change my outlook on life, yes, but also the direction of my life. Once I finally came to the conclusion that I was returning to the States to finish school, a friend mentioned studying abroad. Fast forward a few months-- when I began to finally take this advice into consideration. I continued to ask God to open and close doors, and make it clear what the next step was. Enter International Studies Abroad (ISA)& Veritas. ISA is the study abroad organization that is partnered with Liberty, and Veritas combines mission work with the study abroad experience--- how fitting! I applied, was accepted, and the day has come..
In less than 24 hours, I embark on the next adventure in this incredible life God has given me. 366 days ago, I was on a plane by myself to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and tomorrow I will be on a plane by myself to Madrid, Spain.
All this coming from the girl who couldn't sleepover at a friend's house 'til 7th grade, and hated being 9 hours from home her freshman year of college!!!

Upon leaving for Honduras last year, I couldn't shake the song "Oceans" by Hillsong United. 
"You call me out upon the waters
the great unknown where feet may fail 
and there I find you in the mystery,
 in oceans deep, my faith will stand...
Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now
Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders 
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me 
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander 
And my faith will be made stronger 
In the presence of my Savior

It's exciting to see God stretch me a little bit more each year... taking me deeper... Last year it was teaching in Honduras, where I only knew a few people. This year, it's learning Spanish in the classroom, being immersed in another new culture, and not knowing anyone. (see the stretch?) When I finally realized God's plans are FAR BETTER than the plans I had for myself, I prayed this song as a prayer, and boy did God answer. Once I focused on the words of this song, I realized how scary it was... With that being said however, living and teaching in Honduras taught me a lot. He has led me far deeper than I could stand, but I can honestly and truthfully say my faith was made a whole lot stronger... I have a peace with each step I have made thus far, and my life has been filled with more joy, peace, excitement, and love.. for life, for others, and for my God. 

Stay tuned for lots of pictures, and hopefully a few blogs about my time in Sevilla, Spain, many excursions throughout Europe, and the lessons God will surely teach me the next 3 months!


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