
Showing posts from March, 2017

Ignorance is Bliss?

Buckle up, it's been an exciting few weeks, so this will be longer!!  "Ignorance is bliss": a phrase I've heard many times, yet never thought about, until arriving in Spain. One would assume that with technology where it is before arriving to a country I would excitedly look up all of the random facts, places to go, sights to see, and important information about that country. Key words:  One would assume. But, not this girl. Nope. I didn't look up a single picture of Sevilla, surprisingly only slightly stalked my now roommate on Facebook, didn't look up any facts about Spain or its traditions-- nothing. So, whenever a conversation about Feria, cities to go to, countries to visit or sights to see get brought up, you can imagine the looks of confusion I may portray. (In my defense, I was learning how to be content and enjoy the moments I was in while home?!) The lack of knowledge of these cities, countries and adventures, however has worked in my favor, espec

Life Lately

This summer I promised myself that I would be vulnerable, open and honest, on social media and in life. It's so easy to paint a perfect picture of life on social media. It's easy to post the "perfect picture" to get the most likes, gain approval from others, and show the world just how "great" my life is. What's not so easy is being vulnerable and honest, but it's rewarding. I've been encouraged in my relationships here in Spain what the outcome is when I am raw and honest with a person sitting across from me.  So, I want to update everyone on how life has been the past 6 or so weeks. The first month being here in Spain was hard.  I was missing and wishing I was in Honduras more than ever. I was trying to accept that God had me here for a reason, but it was difficult to truly enjoy being in Spain when my heart was longing to be in another place.  These peacocks have been a highlight of my times in the park,  and on Monday he finally fanne