Life Lately

This summer I promised myself that I would be vulnerable, open and honest, on social media and in life. It's so easy to paint a perfect picture of life on social media. It's easy to post the "perfect picture" to get the most likes, gain approval from others, and show the world just how "great" my life is. What's not so easy is being vulnerable and honest, but it's rewarding. I've been encouraged in my relationships here in Spain what the outcome is when I am raw and honest with a person sitting across from me. 

So, I want to update everyone on how life has been the past 6 or so weeks. The first month being here in Spain was hard. I was missing and wishing I was in Honduras more than ever. I was trying to accept that God had me here for a reason, but it was difficult to truly enjoy being in Spain when my heart was longing to be in another place. 

These peacocks have been a highlight of my times in the park,
 and on Monday he finally fanned! I fan girled (ha, ha, get it?)
But really, I got so excited.. He's so beautiful! (and BIG)
Then, I'm not sure when, but it started getting better. Around the one month mark I started actually enjoying it. I thoroughly enjoy walking to the park after class, working on my Spanish homework, visiting the peacocks, and stumbling upon new sights throughout the park each day. Maybe it's because the weather's getting nicer too. That always helps :) It seemed that overnight it got HOT. Before, I would walk to school with my "heavy" jacket, and take it off when I got to class. About two weeks ago I had to take it off on my walk TO school. Then, it was just wearing my light rain jacket... Now, it's nothing. In the mornings around 9 it has typically been around 50ish, and by the time I get out of class at 12 or 1 it has been around 72-75. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 60 when I walk to class at 9, and almost 80 when I get out!! So yes, the summer weather has definitely helped my mood! 
There are orange trees and palm trees everywhere!

Relationships have helped too. I am an extrovert, so I love being around lots of people, but that get's hard when they know each other already, and I'm "the new girl." So, I decided to start building relationships. Asking people to get coffee, take a walk in the park, and just sit and talk.. about life, passions, desires, struggles.. and let me tell you, it's been awesome. Some of these friendships are with the most unexpected people, and I love that. I love being encouraged by people who are from different places than I am, can challenge me, ask me difficult questions etc.

I have also come to love sharing my testimony. God took what I thought was "a boring, typical 'grew up in a Christian home' testimony and helped me realize it's not a boring, typical testimony. It's MY testimony. Someone once told me people may deny God, but they can't deny your story. So, here I am, continuing to share my story-- the good, the bad, the heartache, the triumphs, and where God is in it all.

So, where has God been in my time here?

The best part about the last month has been my relationship with God. I feel like my heart, eyes and ears are finally open and willing to listen to what He is trying to teach me. I don't really understand why I ever doubt, question or wonder "if things will work out," because over and over again God has been reminding me that His plan is perfect, and that he cares for me SO much. Even those little tiny details that don't matter, He cares enough to make me realize I am loved, and that he cares. It's something I can't quite put into words.. With that being said, however that doesn't mean it will be easy. 

Tonight in Bible study (which by the way I look forward to every Wednesday night, is a time where 25+  girls gather with our mission mentors and dig into God's Word. We talk about funny language mix-ups, our travels from that week, study God's Word, then end the night praying with those around us. Each week I leave feeling more encouraged and thankful.) we talked about Paul in Acts chapter 20:22-24, which states: 
"And now, behold, I am going to Jerusalem, constrained by the Spirit, not knowing what will happen to me there, 23 except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me. 24 But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
Paul was expecting hardship, but he went because he wanted to finish what God has called him to do. This challenged me... what would happen if this were my thought process? The unknown is scary. But one thing I've learned over the last year and a half, is that growth begins at the end of my comfort zone. When I left my comfort zone, growth happened... I found Christ's strength, hope, joy and peace, and THAT is something to share and be excited about!! 
It amazes me just how much God cares about me. I try to journal almost daily. Some days it doesn't happen, other days (the really good ones, it happens twice). Today, is a day it happens twice. Like I said earlier, it's important for me to share what God is doing in my life. Another thing He's been teaching me is the power of prayer. WOW. I can't really go into details, but God works in crazy, mysterious ways. It reminds me that His ways are SO much higher than mine. He intricately weaves together every part of my life, and it amazes me every time. 
Isaiah 55:8 says, "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts," says the LORD. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. 
I'm not "there" in my walk with Christ. In fact, I'm not sure where "there" is, because it's a daily walk and surrendering to Christ. But, I'm learning that the more time I spend with God, the more I desire him. 
I've always admired people who are in God's Word daily. People who, when I look at them I see Christ--the way He loves, shows compassion, grace and serves others. I want that. I want people to see me and think "what's different?" So, I'm going to continue being vulnerable. It's not always easy. Some days are hard. But the good days make it all worth it. In the good days and bad, I'm learning and believing that God is God, and He is Good. 
The beautiful Plaza de EspaƱa.


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