
Showing posts from July, 2017

9 Weeks

Last week I was down. I felt discouraged, frustrated, sad, and just not like myself, which frustrated me even more. I think I finally figured out the few reasons why. The first is my foot. I fractured my fourth metatarsal playing soccer 9 weeks ago, just 5 days after arriving home. I've never broken a bone before, so when I went to the doctor and he told me to come back in 3 weeks I thought, "Ok, I'll be good." However, when I went back 3 weeks later and he said 3 more weeks, I got a little frustrated, but figured it'd be fine, I'll still be out before the brunt of the summer. Fast forward 3 weeks, 6 weeks out from the initial injury and I was feeling good. I went into the doctor with my right sneaker, confident I'd be walking out with two shoes. When he came back in and told me it still wasn't healing, 3 more weeks in the boot, I could feel the tears coming. I choked them back, went to the front desk and made another appointment for 3 weeks later. Ju