
Showing posts from April, 2018

Fullness of Joy

I'm not going to lie, all of these graduation posts are making me a little sad/jealous/ I'm not exactly sure what feelings. I made the decision upon returning to Honduras that I would not be walking for graduation.. After all, I finished my school online, so I didn't have any friends to walk with or share the experience of college graduation with. Along with this, It would be expensive to fly home for a weekend to graduate with a bunch of people I don't know. I decided I would much rather finish the year with my class and watch the kindergarteners graduate. I'm still happy with this decision, but I am a little sad I never got to celebrate with a walk across a college stage in a cap and gown. With this thought, however how cool is it that I am doing what I went to school for, and I'm loving it. The decision to take a semester off and change my major the second semester of my junior year provided lots of stress, pushing off my graduation date (though only a semest