
In Matthew 7 verses 7-9, Jesus says "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be open..."
About 6 weeks ago, upon returning from Honduras, I had a conversation with a close friend about prayer and asking specifically. She said, "When you pray specifically and something does happen, you can only give the glory to God, because you realize it could have only come from Him. It's not a coincidence." I realized I never truly asked specifically when I prayed, and I didn't pray without ceasing.. I would pray about it once or twice, then not think about it again. Well in the past 6 weeks, I've decided to pray specifically, and wow, did God answer.. Sometimes it's not how I'd like it to be answered, or in the timing I want.. But other times it is.
I had been praying and asking for Godly friends and relationships in my life, and God brought four different women in my life at different times, and from different places in my life.

So, God is good because He brought some amazing, Godly, encouraging friends into my life... But, the story gets better...
The other prayer request was far fetched (in my mind).
I made the decision in March to continue coaching, because I was so passionate about it. In late July, however, I secretly wished I was playing, but didn't mention it to anyone. Rather, I went to God about it.. I remember specifically praying "God, you know my heart and what I want to do.. I really don't know what that is, and am so torn whether to coach or play.. So, if it is somehow possible to play, please present an opportunity for me.."
Well, long story short, I played my first game with the DeSales University Women's Soccer team today! In a week's time, the prayer and desire to be on a team and play collegiate soccer again became my new reality.
It sounds great, and really, it is.. God presented me with an amazing opportunity, and I am extremely grateful..
However, I had to explain to 25+ players that I would no longer be coaching them.. Girls that I connected with, played soccer with, worked alongside, and loved..
Standing in front of 25 players and explaining all that had happened in  a week was tied for the hardest decision I've had to make, and the hardest conversation I've had to have.
The embrace, tears, love, encouragement, support and hugs I received were something I can't put into words.. I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to coach for a year and a half, and learned so much about myself, soccer, how to coach, and most importantly, met more than 20 players who changed me. I already miss the Palisades Varsity Girl's Soccer team so much, but am excited for this new and exciting chapter in my life.. This journey the past 2 and a half years hasn't been easy, but it is amazing to look back and see all that God has clearly done in my life in my college experience so far.
-- Romans 11:36--


  1. I was listening to the radio this morning and they talked about praying specifically.....coincidence? I should say NOT. Happy God gave you Godly relationships.


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