9 Year Old Smiles.

The end of January- the beginning of August of this year, I lived on the property of a children's home in Honduras. There were many ups and downs in those months with the kids, teaching, and living on my own. Upon leaving Honduras in August I wasn't sure when I would be able to return. I wanted to stay through November, but had a complete peace that for whatever reason, I needed to return to the States to finish school, with the end goal of returning to Honduras. Although the goodbyes were hard, I knew it was the right thing to do. Life in the States has been good, but I still miss my kids everyday.
While at work two weeks ago, Lindsay, the teacher who replaced me in July texted me, and (long story short) asked if I'd like to return to Honduras October 28-November 5 to finish the school year with our K4 class. I told her I loved her crazy idea, but to look for someone else, because I don't think it's going to work, BUT with that being said, I would make some phone calls. About 6 phone calls later, I was booking a flight WITH a close friend and Wes and Lindsay to return to Honduras. 

I couldn't sleep that night as I imagined each and every reunion I would have in just 5 days.
The reunions were awesome, and each and every day got better and better. The days were long (in the best way), but the week was so short. This week couldn't have been more perfect for my soul. Wednesday is a day that sticks out in my mind, here is why.

Meet Mauro.
  Mauro is a 9 year old boy in second grade. He is rough around the edges, but as you can see in the picture above has the sweetest, most tender heart. While there for 6 months, we built a special relationship. Some days he would be in a great mood asking me to tuck him in at night and come to his casita, while other nights he would ignore me, be stubborn, and give back all of the gifts I had given him. Each night he was stubborn my heart would break a little more, because I wanted him to realize how much I loved him, and how much the Creator of this universe loves him. He is such a gifted and talented little boy. He is probably the best 9 year old I've ever seen play soccer (which the coach in me LOVES, because his ability and knowledge of the game kind of blows me away), but not only that he is smart, intelligent, has the best laugh, and can be so sweet. 

With all that being said, I was interested how this week was going to go. Throughout the week he softened up more and more. While playing soccer he would get this cute little smirk on his face and try to defend me, "without me knowing"/ pretending like he wasn't defending me. I just let him win, knowing that these precious moments were what I was there for.
One day he asked me to fly a kite with him, and I couldn't say no. He taught me how to fly it, and I soaked up every minute of his smiles, laughter and exclaiming; "Miss Rachel, do this!" 

Wednesday night I told him I had to go, and asked him if he could walk me to the door. He agreed and as I sat on the ground, he sat on my knee, where we had the best talk we've probably ever had. I asked him if he knew why I had to go home on Saturday. He shook his head no, and I told him it was because I had to finish school. His eyes widened and lit up in disbelief. I also asked him why I thought he could do better in second grade... When he said "I don't know" in his gruff little voice, I gently told him "Because I know you can.. You are so gifted, intelligent and smart.. You're an awesome futbol player, you're so smart, and you CAN do it. Why do you want to fail second grade?"
His response? "Because.."
I knew he was just being stubborn and went on to encourage and build him up... I then asked if I could pray for him. Sometimes when I ask this, he says no, but this night he excitedly said yes. As I prayed I just asked that he would understand God's love for him, my love for him, and that he would come to know Jesus Christ on this level. I ended the prayer in tears, and embraced his little 9 year old self. He just flashed me his cute little smile, and walked inside as I thanked him, told him I loved him, and he responded "Me too."

This boy can be tough. He isn't always the most well behaved student, but the next day in class I asked his teacher how he did, and her response?
"Rachel, he was the best today that he has EVER been for me. I was going to make him write note cards when he was disobedient, but I completely forgot, because he was just THAT good."

This whole situation taught me two things.
1) It again reminded me of the power of prayer. Why I don't take every little aspect of my life to God, I don't know. If I'm being completely raw, I struggle both in my prayer life and in daily digging into God's Word. However, this situation again reminded me that taking requests to God that may seem trivial (like having a 9 year old obey and respect his teacher, and work hard in school) isn't too silly for the God of this universe. 

2) The effect of speaking truth into someone, especially this 9 year old. When I told him how proud of him I was, and how much I believe in him, he got the biggest grin on his face, and as I write this I can't help but smile, because he just wants to be loved.
Some of the most precious moments I had this week were just sitting across from him, asking him how his life is, and speaking positive words like "I'm proud of you" into him. It's hard to explain the joy this little boy brings to my life, even on the days that are hard.
He worked so hard this
week, and his hard work
paid off! 3rd grade,
here he comes!

I also want to point out that HE PASSED SECOND GRADE!!!
He had to retake his vocab test, and today he PASSED!! He worked so hard with me making note cards and studying the past few days. I knew he could do it, and the joy and pride I have knowing he got 30/32 makes my heart so happy. 
This boy is going places, and I cannot wait to see the plan God has for his life unfold.

Will you pray with me?
Pray that God would continue to open his eyes and save his soul. Pray that he would soften his heart and continue to give him more good days in school, rather than bad. 

God, thanks for being faithful, even when I'm faithless (2 Timothy 2:13). Thank you for your amazing plan, and giving me the incredible opportunity to finish out the school year with my K4 class.

We (Amanda, Wes & Lindsay & I) had an awesome week
of serving together, cleaning/organizing the library, spending time with the kids,
and helping K4 do a presentation for their parents! (they did awesome!!)

Thank you for Lindsay. For her hard work with K4, her planning, and all of her help with our class.

Thank you for your plan. Continue to give me eyes to see this world through your eyes, and give me the courage to say YES to your ways and your plan for my life.

Man, I'm blown away again by God's faithfulness. 
God is GOOD. 


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