Highlight Reel

Life is good, and this week was awesome. I was planning on getting my scuba certification with a few other teachers during our week off for Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Utila, an island of Honduras. Day one of scuba diving included watching four+ hours of videos. When they were finished I was excited to get in the water and learn some skills. Day 2 came, we got in the water, and if I'm honest, I was terrified. I shot up out of the water so fast, and quickly said; "Sorry.. I just got a little freaked out, I don't know if I can do this!" Well, after a minute I went back down and did the rest of the skills for confined water 1.. We then jumped in to do confined 2 skills and I had a mini panic attack. I came up, went back down, tried again 2 or 3 times, and failed each time. This was a frustrating thing for me for many reasons. I had just done some of the "harder" skills, why can't I do this one? I love water and know I'd love to go explore God's creation underwater... So what's my problem? I left that day frustrated and upset, because there were so many thoughts racing through my head.
That night, I finished a book I've been reading in my spare time since I attended Passion in January. It's a book by Levi Lusko, which I HIGHLY recommend, called "Through the Eyes of a Lion." After my frustrating day, I went back to read this:
"I dare you to believe that the day will come when what you are most scared of right now will be included in your highlight reel as a triumphant victory."  

WOW.... I'll just let that speak for itself, but it couldn't have been more timely or appropriate. 

I went back the next day to try again... And I failed. I left feeling defeated and frustrated thinking even more, "Maybe it's not for me... I just can't do it." With Levi's quote constantly in my head, I returned yet again the next day. My instructor offered to help me one on one, so I took him up on it, and am glad I did! This was a triumphant victory. I did it. I cleared my fully flooded mask, removed my goggles, and continued to breathe underwater without freaking out. Coming up after doing the skills I was terrified of the day before, and hearing my instructor say; "You nailed it! Good job, I'm so proud of you!" was probably the most rewarding feeling I've had in a while.

This is my instructor Luca-- he had the coolest life story, and was so patient with me all week. 2 more dives and I'll be a certified scuba diver! 

I needed and wanted to finish this for more reasons than one, and I'm so glad I did. Due to the timing, I was unable to officially get certified because I had two more dives to do with an instructor, but no time to do it. However, I passed my written tests, and I did all of the necessary skills and dives (with the exception of the 2 essentially 'fun' dives). So, when I do my next 2 dives, I will officially be certified!

It was an awesome end to an amazing week to experience ocean life 40 feet underwater for 37 minutes. God's creation is absolutely breathtaking, and although I didn't see any "super special" animals underwater, I was reminded of God's beauty. The reefs were awesome, and it was exciting to see my skills and confidence improve, even in the two dives I did.
So thankful for the friendship I formed with another LEAD teacher, Bailey! We had so many laughs, and such a fun time both in the water and out

As I sat in the airport this morning reflecting on this week, I was reminded how great our God is. Scuba diving was probably the coolest thing I've ever done. (Definitely a huge part of my highlight reel of this crazy life I get to live!) Breathing underwater is not something we are meant to do, which is what made it even cooler.
With that being said, as I was underwater a sad reality hit me. The people on the island of Utila have the coolest, most exciting life stories. They've traveled around the world, & have cool tattoos and stories to prove it. But that got me thinking.. What do they think as they're underwater or traveling around the world experiencing all of its beauty? I am able to dive 40 feet deep and see God written over everything. Seeing the beautiful, breathtaking, clear, blue ocean and being reminded of God's grace.
"If grace is an ocean we're all sinking..."  

What do they think? What am I doing to show them I'm different? To show them this unfailing love that we are about to celebrate tomorrow, on Easter Sunday. Christ died for my sins and theirs, but do they know that? What's the point of living life if I'm not showing others the same love that I have received? It's hitting me that I am not doing nearly enough to show others this love. 
/// Thank you Jesus, for dying an excruciating death for my sins on the cross, so that I may live & experience your beauty that is all around me./// 
Thank you for sacrificing everything so that I may accept your free gift to live with you in eternity, but experience SO much beauty while on earth. Thanks for your incredible plan for my life, leading me every step of the way. Even though my life looks a lot different than I would have expected, I wouldn't trade it for the world. 
Peace out Utila--- I'll be back soon.👌🏽✌🏼️


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