Life Update

For anyone who has known me for awhile, and has been "following" my life the past few years, you know it's been nothing short of unexpected. If I'm being honest, I'd LOVE to be in Orange Beach, Alabama right now competing alongside my best friends for a second straight national championship. I find myself daily (especially during times like this, when they're defending their national championship), asking what life would be like had I not left Spring Arbor. What if I were still there.. what would my friendships be like? Would I still be studying pre PT? What would my role be on the team? These questions run through my head, and quite honestly, it's hard to shake them. I miss my friends, and I miss playing soccer so much.

With all that being said, however I've had countless opportunities that I wouldn't have had if I were still at Spring Arbor. I may sound like a broken record, but I thoroughly enjoy looking back on all of the blessings God has given me throughout the many transitions since I left SAU. Coaching, the opportunity to play at DeSales, so many new amazing friendships, teaching in Honduras, beginning school at Liberty online, studying elementary education... The list could go on and on, and it doesn't stop there. My next adventure? Well, I will officially be studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain! I bought my plane ticket today, & I will be leaving January 29, and studying at a Spanish school for 3 months!

But wait, what about Honduras? Will I be going back?

As of right now, the plan is yes. I feel very strongly that God is calling me back to Honduras, but with that in mind, I feel it is necessary to learn Spanish to better my relationships with the people I'm surrounded by on a daily basis. I learned a lot while living in Honduras for 6 months, but I want to learn Spanish in the classroom setting. Liberty doesn't offer Spanish online, so I began looking into studying abroad, and that's when I found Veritas. I will be taking 5 classes--2 Spanish courses, 2 courses I need for Liberty, and a required missions-focused class. That's right! The program I am going with, Veritas, is a Christian organization, and I'll be doing missions work on the weekends in the community-- their slogan is "Fulfill your degree. Serve a community." The following is more detail of what I'll be doing... I will have "Opportunities to work along with a Spanish foundation to begin a Christian school to reach Spaniards with the Gospel by teaching English. Also hosting gatherings for the neighborhood the Owens(mission family) live in and partnering with their church in a town 20 minutes from Sevilla.  "

Working in a Christian school teaching English! Sound familiar?! God has so clearly orchestrated this whole thing, and it's been so exciting to watch. Although I am disappointed I won't be in Honduras for another few months, it's amazing to be given this new and exciting opportunity to serve the Lord in another country, while using what I've learned this year!
I am going to continue doing my best to live out Matthew 28:19:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and Holy Spirit."

And at the end of the day, again I'm blown away by God's faithfulness and that God is GOOD.


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