Hills and Valleys

While talking with an old friend tonight, I was reminded of the blessings that can come in the waiting seasons of life. This friend quickly said "I do not enjoy waiting" to which I responded, "Why? There can be excitement found in waiting.. I've learned that I may never be in this place again, so I might as well enjoy it while I'm here." While I don't necessarily mean "this place" as in my home in Quakertown, PA, I do mean the jobs I have, the people I'm in contact with, my friends, the classes I'm taking etc. The last 4 years of my life have brought about lots of unexpected twists, turns, mountains and valleys.
 If I'm being completely honest, I feel like I'm unsure of where I am right now.. I'm not necessarily in a valley, but I'm not on a mountain either. Since arriving home from Spain in May, my walk with God has not been where I want it to be. For me (being totally transparent), my walk with God can be at its lowest while at home. While away I have Christ to get me through the hard days.. I spend more time in His Word and lean on Him, because I don't have my friends and family from home to comfort me. But when I'm home, I get comfortable. I fill up my schedule so that I can make those around me proud, fill up my bank account to show I'm responsible, and keep myself busy to keep my mind off of things. What things? I'm not exactly sure, but I don't do well in the quiet moments of life. Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God" is difficult for me, because I have a hard time being still. It's something I need to work on. It's been a while since I've blogged for that reason; I feel like not much has been happening. I've failed to recognize the daily moments of God in my life. The jobs he has provided for me, the relationships that are being built through coaching, the joy coaching has brought me once again, the friendships I have, the peace and excitement of returning to Honduras. (YES, I'M RETURNING TO TEACH in January!!!)

 God is still here. Although I may not always be on a mountain or in a valley, God is still with me. Tauren Well's song Hills and Valleys says it best;

"No matter what I have, Your grace is enough. No matter where I am, I'm standing in Your love... On the mountains I will bow my life to the One who set me there. In the valley I will lift my eyes to the One who sees me there. When I'm standing on the mountain I didn't get there on my own. When I'm walking through the valley I know I am not alone. You're God of the hills and valleys..."

So, whether I'm on a mountain, on a hill, in a valley, whether I'm waiting, or in the most exciting time of my life, I will trust and serve God. I will find joy in the mundane, and do my very best to spread Christ's love, joy and compassion to those around me. My desire is to see God in the everyday moments of life and to never lose sight of his incredible working together of all things for good.

There's a little piece of my heart after a few months of not knowing what to say or do. But, in this waiting season of life, I want to continue growing in my relationship with the Lord and continue to prepare my heart to return to Honduras.


  1. Love this and love your heart! I am going to look up that song for tonight. I am praising our way through our valley right now.


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