
Showing posts from 2018

Fullness of Joy

I'm not going to lie, all of these graduation posts are making me a little sad/jealous/ I'm not exactly sure what feelings. I made the decision upon returning to Honduras that I would not be walking for graduation.. After all, I finished my school online, so I didn't have any friends to walk with or share the experience of college graduation with. Along with this, It would be expensive to fly home for a weekend to graduate with a bunch of people I don't know. I decided I would much rather finish the year with my class and watch the kindergarteners graduate. I'm still happy with this decision, but I am a little sad I never got to celebrate with a walk across a college stage in a cap and gown. With this thought, however how cool is it that I am doing what I went to school for, and I'm loving it. The decision to take a semester off and change my major the second semester of my junior year provided lots of stress, pushing off my graduation date (though only a semest

Not a Fan

Recently, I’ve been reading the book “Not a Fan” by Kyle Idleman, and I’ve come to the conclusion that in some areas of my life, I’m more of a fan of Christ than a follower. I’ve recently been convicted that I don’t talk about Jesus enough. I don’t share enough about how He is working in and through me. I talk more about the Philadelphia Eagles' season (Fly Eagles Fly), than I do about Christ and what He’s done for me on the cross. I want that to change. Yes, it’s okay to be a huge sports fan, but if I’m loving that and talking about that more than my relationship with Christ, something is wrong. God sent his one and only Son to die on the cross for my sins. The sins I commit every single day. Being prideful. Thinking poorly of other people. Judging others. Not trusting that God does in fact know what He’s doing with me, and that his plans are wayyy better than any I can make for myself. I need to deny myself, my wants, my desires, every single day. It’s easy to think “Life is goi


My first day of teaching first grade is complete!! As I sat on the floor of my bedroom yesterday reflecting on the day, I couldn’t help but think of how differently I felt compared to my first day of teaching preschool at GSCA in 2016. It’s hard to believe it was two years ago; so much has happened in my life. My first day of preschool was a disaster. I left the classroom thinking I was a failure, and that my day one stories could most certainly go in the record books for “worst teachers ever” or at least “worst first day ever.” As I thought about my first day, I remember vividly posting a picture of one of my sweet 4 year olds passed out on the floor of my classroom for nap time. She looked exhausted. I remember posting this picture with the caption saying something along the lines of “Current mood/ feeling.” Frustrated. Defeated. Exhausted. Lifeless. I followed this caption with a few thoughts. Yes I’m weak, but I’m “excited to see myself grow as a teacher, and as a daughter of Chr