
My first day of teaching first grade is complete!! As I sat on the floor of my bedroom yesterday reflecting on the day, I couldn’t help but think of how differently I felt compared to my first day of teaching preschool at GSCA in 2016. It’s hard to believe it was two years ago; so much has happened in my life.
My first day of preschool was a disaster. I left the classroom thinking I was a failure, and that my day one stories could most certainly go in the record books for “worst teachers ever” or at least “worst first day ever.” As I thought about my first day, I remember vividly posting a picture of one of my sweet 4 year olds passed out on the floor of my classroom for nap time. She looked exhausted. I remember posting this picture with the caption saying something along the lines of “Current mood/ feeling.” Frustrated. Defeated. Exhausted. Lifeless. I followed this caption with a few thoughts. Yes I’m weak, but I’m “excited to see myself grow as a teacher, and as a daughter of Christ. As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, “I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in my weaknessesfor when I am weak, then I am strong.” 

Last night, as I was sitting on my floor reading a book, what passage of Scripture pops up, but none other than 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.. Kinda ‘funny’ how God works, isn’t it!!?
Man oh man, God is good. 
That first day of preschool was a disaster, and I’ll be the first one to openly admit that and laugh about it! But wow, was God preparing me. He was preparing me to become a teacher. He was preparing me to start classes online, push through, and become a lower elementary teacher, which I can now officially say (Graduated from Liberty in December :) Even after this terrible day and rough few months of teaching, God was preparing me. In April of 2016 I said, “I want to become a teacher. I want to start school again, change my major to elementary education, get my degree, and return to GSCA to teach.”
And that is exactly what I did— but ONLY through Christ’s power, strength, grace and provision. I could not have done it without the help of the people he placed in my life at exactly the right moment to encourage me, walk alongside of me, be an incredible example to me, challenge me, and simply do life with me. So to those of you who have done any of the above-- you know who you are; thank you. 

Honduras update:
I arrived in Tegucigalpa Wednesday afternoon, went to the grocery store to pick up a few things, then got to the home and said a quick hello to all of the kiddos before I unpacked. They were just as excited as I was to exchange hugs and say sweet hellos. Thursday- Sunday was super busy, as I spent hours upon hours in my classroom preparing to implement flexible seating last minute, look at my lesson plans, and tried to remind myself I was going to be teaching once again on Monday. The first day is over, and I am truly excited for this year. I'm excited to see myself grow as a teacher. I'm super excited to spend 5 days a week with my class, and watch them grow as students and people. I have four of my previous students from preschool, and it is so awesome to see them reading in English. They inspire and encourage me to learn more Spanish and be excited to learn and grow! 

The 2018 LEAD Teachers!

I'm super excited to continue experimenting with flexible seating in my class. I did my education capstone on the philosophy/concept, and think it will certainly help some (if not all) of my students thrive, while giving them more ownership of their learning! I will certainly continue with updates about my class and the flexible seating implementation. 
There's a short update for now, hopefully I can do a better job this year of updating on a more regular basis-- that is my goal. 
To all those praying for me and supporting me, thank you. I felt your prayers yesterday, and am so excited to be back in Honduras teaching the next generation. 
Much love to you all!

The kids were enthralled when I pulled out a fuzzy
rug and explained how they could use them.
When I asked one of my students to come lay down,
she proceeded to get in push-up position, shocked
I was giving her the freedom to lay down to do her work!


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