Even When I Don't See It

I have bad eyesight- really bad. Ask my second grade teacher, Mr. O. I vividly remember him asking me to read what was on the projector. I couldn't read it, so I just made something up. He let my mom know that maybe she should take me to the eye doctor. She did, and my vision was 20/70. If you have perfect eyesight you probably don't know what that means. Here's the google definition. "20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. ... If you have 20/100 vision, it means that you must be as close as 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see at 100 feet.
So, I started wearing glasses in the second grade, then contacts in fifth (that's another story for another time :)

Long story still long, I've never had good vision. Just last week my dad read small tiny numbers on the tv screen; I couldn't even read the big, bold print in the corner, WITH my contacts in. I just couldn't see it. 

Sometimes in my walk with Christ I don't see it either.

As many know, my fiancé Wilgen and I are in the fiancé visa process, so that Wilgen can come to the States and we can get married. This is a long process, which I've known from the start. We started it in September, then got engaged in November, and now it's February.
I contacted our lawyer last week after hearing the process was taking longer. He responded with an answer I didn't want to hear. Rather than taking 3-4 months to approve the petition (just to apply for a visa!!) it was taking 4-5 months.

sigh... and tears...lots of tears. 

February marked the start of month 4, and I was getting weary, so this didn't help. I was feeling discouraged and just plain sad thinking that it would be even longer until one, I get to see my man, and two, I get to marry and start my life with him. 

(I thrive on countdowns, so not having a return date to see him, or a date to get married kinda kills me.)

I trust God, and I know He has a plan for me. I know I am in this season of waiting for a reason. BUT all of this doesn't make receiving "bad" news any easier. I was sad  all week
That night, I began playing the song "Way Maker" on repeat. 

The bridge of "Way Maker" is what  really stuck out to me;
"Even when I don't see it, You're working
Even when I don't feel it, You're working
You never stop, You never stop working

     You never stop, You never stop working"

I didn't see it. I didn't feel it. But God. He was still working. He never stopped. 

Saturday morning I woke up to an email from the US Center of Immigration Services stating there was a status change to my case. 


Now, we aren't done the process, Wilgen still has to do a few things and will get an interview with the US Embassy in Honduras. But, it is a HUGE first step, and I am so thankful. Glory to God in the highs and lows. 

I didn't see God working. I felt like we were at a standstill. BUT GOD. He was working, He is working, He is faithful, and He is God, and He is Good. 


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