The Next Chapter

As I sit here and look around in my classroom, I think to myself "Wow, this should be very overwhelming... desks everywhere, bare walls, toys scattered, bare walls, and more bare walls!" If you know me at all, you know I am not a creative person.. art was never "my thing" in school, and creativity can be a difficult task for me. The fact that I have to not only teach children English, but also decorate my classroom (as silly as it sounds) is kind of an overwhelming thought! However, with that said, I have never felt such an overwhelming peace. Yes, it is extremely overwhelming to be in a foreign country, teaching Spanish-speaking children English as their second language. These next few months are going to be an adventure, and I could not be more excited about them! I cannot wait to look back at this first week and realize how young, immature and inexperienced I was. I am so excited to see where these next few months will take me in life, the classroom, my relationships with the other LEAD teachers, relationships with the children and tias, and most importantly, my relationship with Christ. I am ready to be stretched, grow, and stretched some more. I am as ready as possible for the difficult tasks and days that surely lie ahead in this path; and I couldn't be more excited about it.
In my devotions the other night, I read the following quote by Charles Stanley; "The only way you can experience abundant life is to surrender your plans to Him." 
About six months ago I finally surrendered my plans to Christ. After my freshman year of college I began to surrender my plans, and over the past two years I've learned that my plans are never as promising, exciting or abundant as God's plan for my life! Never would I have thought I'd be sitting in my own classroom in Honduras, thousands of miles from home and my family, in a country where I don't speak the language, with people I don't know. However, I'm learning daily the importance and truth of this quote.
The above is a little bit of my thoughts, along with my heart and excitement for the next few months. Now, onto my time here in Honduras the past few days.

After an early morning Wednesday (where three of my favorite people and my parents dropped me off at the airport), myself and another LEAD teacher met 4 of the other teachers at the Atlanta airport---- Next stop, Tegucigalpa, Honduras!There, we were informed that 4 out of the six of us were missing luggage! After dealing with this, we were picked up at the airport and headed to our first Honduran meal of the year; Pizza Hut!! We then arrived on GSCH property, where we were given our room keys. Shortly after, we walked up the hill to the cafeteria. There we were greeted by all of the children, and let me tell you-- it was an awesome reunion!! The first little girl to greet me was Jimena, one of the little girls of Casita 1 who I built a relationship with in July.  She dropped what she was doing, yelled "RACHELLLL" and sprinted toward my arms, where she didn't leave all night. Seeing all the kids again is a feeling I can't quite explain, but it was so great! Thursday was filled with orientation and meetings all day, but we were able to spend time at the casitas at night. My favorite moment of this night was when I was spending time in casita 9, with the early elementary aged girls. Viviana, the 7 year old who I fell in love with this summer led me back to her bed and asked me to pray with her. After this, three other girls came into the room, where they also asked to pray. After I prayed in English, the girls took turns praying in Spanish. This was just a precious moment, where I thought to myself "I get to do this for the next five months.. Is this real life?"

Friday was a free day where I was able to spend some time in my classroom, some time at the casitas, and was able to play soccer for the first time. I may not speak Spanish, and they may only speak some English, but we love and play the same sport, which is awesome.

Yesterday, we ventured to Tegucigalpa, where we bought items for our classroom and apartments. It was exciting to buy things for both of my rooms, but it was exhausting!!
Church today was great. Kids grabbing my hand and taking me places is something I will never get tired of! Hearing Ben from my home church speak was encouraging, and a nice little piece of home, and worshipping in Spanish with all of the children was awesome.

I'm finally starting to settle into my room and life here.. I am so excited for what is to come, and am thoroughly enjoying getting to know the other LEAD teachers, children and tias.
Before I leave Wifi for the night I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who is praying for me and supporting me financially. I could not be here without your love and support, and I am so excited to continue to share this journey with you! Pictures to come soon!!
Adios for now!


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