Honesty Hour

Can I be honest with you?

The last 6 days have been hard. I enjoy posting pictures to show everyone at home what I'm up to, but I still want to be real and raw in stating what my feelings and thoughts are in the background.

I'm in a new culture, surrounded by Spanish speaking people. This can be difficult and discouraging, because most of the friends I've made and people I met are Spanish majors or minors, and I'm not! The first tour we had was completely in Spanish, and I was completely lost. I learned a lot while living in Honduras, but I've never taken a college level Spanish course. (And I've only taken a year of Rosetta Stone my freshman year of HS- 7 years ago.. (am I that old?!)
I had promised myself I wouldn't get overwhelmed, and would do my very best on the Spanish placement test we had.  So yesterday, when we received the test I wrote my name and began writing... The professor approached me and said "Wait! Don't start yet!" to which I felt silly and embarrassed.

We took the test, and as I expected I was placed in the beginner class- which is great. However, since I'm being honest, it's discouraging. As much as I'm trying for it not to be, it still is.. All of my new friends are in intermediate or advanced classes... leaving me seemingly 'alone.'Additionally, I have 2 "night classes." One of which is on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-8-- conflicting with soccer each Monday night 7-9 (one of the things I was looking forward to most!!) But, hopefully I can go for the last 45 minutes or so!
Also, I've been hungry what seems to be 24/7. The typical hours of meals here are very different than in the States! We eat a very light breakfast around 9am, lunch between 2-4, and dinner between 8:30-11pm... The hours between meals feel like an eternity (first.world.problems!)

Finally, it's not Honduras. (I'm sure you're thinking, "well, duh!", because I am too)-- but it's not. It's really hard for me not to compare things, or miss Honduras what seems to be constantly.  It's hard when I see the pictures of teacher orientation, wishing and wanting so badly to be there.

BUT, here's lots of good news.

God has specifically placed me here. I'm so excited to learn Spanish, in hopes of returning to the beautiful country that has stolen my heart, Honduras!

He has provided a roommate and host family who are great. My 15 year old host brother is hilarious, and his dad (who lives in Madrid), is a former professional fútbol player for Atlética Madrid!!!! SO COOL. Both my host mom and host brother made it a point to specify that "It is very very important, in this household, we only cheer for Betis (1 of the 2 teams, which are based in Sevilla.) Yay for fútbol fans, and here's to hoping we go to a game or two!! Although we are unsure of her job, my host mom gave myself and my roommate free VIP tickets to a flamenco fashion show today, which was so fun and entertaining!

The city of Toledo held so much history and even more incredible views!! Toledo,Spain > Toledo, Ohio

More good news:
Spain is absolutely beautiful. So far our week has been extremely busy. We've had lots of guided tours of art museums, cathedrals, and different incredible buildings (which I can't remember the names of!) The city of Toledo had incredible views, and Sevilla is stunning. The next few months are going to hold some pretty incredible experiences, which I am very excited for!!

La Plaza de España, one of my new favorite places is only a 5 minute walk from my house!!

The missions-focused group of 18 girls I'll be with-- Veritas, met for the first time yesterday, and it was so encouraging! The mission mentors we have seem awesome and super sweet. I'm looking forward to attending church with them tomorrow and hopefully returning to Spanish worship, something I have missed since August!

We walked up 34 steep ramps to get to the top of the Catedral de Sevilla, and the view was worth every step!
Even more good news:
I was reminded that God has me here for a purpose. We were challenged to write down one thing we want God to teach us... I won't say it yet, but I can already see him challenging me in the ways I'm praying.

Classes start Monday, and I'm so excited to begin a routine--even if it means being overwhelmed in a Spanish class for 3 hours everyday! I'm excited to learn the language in hopes of becoming more fluent by the time I leave in 3 months.

 Despite the difficulties and struggles of this week, I want to clarify that I am so thankful for this opportunity, and am excited to learn and grow in many ways throughout the next 3 months. There have certainly been some great times this week already, and I can't wait to deepen new relationships with friends, grow in my relationship with Christ, learn more of the Spanish language, and experience new adventures and sights in Spain and throughout Europe.

Goodbye for now!



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