
Last weekend I realized how much I've taken my parents and my life for granted. Without going into detail, I listened to 17 other people share their testimonies and had to wipe away tears as I thought about my own personal life, parents and family. I am blessed. I've never been so thankful for my parent's love for each other, for me, or for our family as a whole. Both my parents love and support me more than anyone else in this world. 

I didn't realize it then, but I'm learning each and every day the many things they have taught me through their example, and man, am I thankful. I've gotten to experience things many 21 year olds don't get the opportunity to do, and for that, I am so so so grateful. I finally came to the realization that me going to Honduras was probably scarier for them than it was for me, and that's saying something! Then again dropping me at the airport to go to Sevilla, Spain by myself. Although the last few weeks have had their many ups and downs, this weekend tops them all for the "ups" in my life. 
              (The following is a journal I wrote Saturday night explaining our adventures). 

Friday my dad greeted me at the airport in Rome, Italy. He was in Northern Italy from Sunday to Thursday for business, so we decided to take advantage of both being in Europe at the same time,-- something I never thought would happen.       

The whole weekend felt like a dream.  

St. Peters Basilica///Vatican City
We took a cab to the hotel, unpacked a bit, then headed into Rome. The weather was beautiful. We grabbed pasta at a cute little Italian restaurant just outside the Vatican City, then entered St Peter's Basilica, which was overwhelmingly beautiful. We walked around for a while, then walked over toward the Plaza Navona and stumbled upon the Pantheon. As we were walking into the Pantheon around 7pm, I made eye contact with this guy, thinking it was no big deal. As he quickly looked away I looked at my dad-- who proceeded to look back at the guy-- then at me. We both asked each other, "Was that Steve Martin?!" We quickly turned around and asked him if he was indeed Steve Martin. When we heard his voice as he was talking to a friend we both agreed it most certainly was. When we asked if we could get a picture he politely responded, "No, I'm with family" and continued walking, but I was still star struck!

"I just saw Steve Martin, at the Pantheon, in Rome. Is this real life??!" 

The Pantheon
We followed this excitement by ending our night at a cute little restaurant in the Plaza Navona. It was exciting hearing my dad talk about the other famous people he's met and the stories that went along with each. It was so awesome to spend quality time with my dad, something that doesn't happen often. It was also amazing doing so in Rome, Italy eating authentic Italian pizza and prosciutto and melon. YUM.

We decided to wait out the rain Saturday morning, and the weather turned out to be absolutely beautiful!!! First, we found a breakfast place where I had coffee and a delicious nutella crepe! 

Next, we walked to the Vatican City and got tickets to see the Sistine chapel. WOW. OVERWHELMING. INCREDIBLE, and again... overwhelming are words that describe it. The Vatican was HUGE and the artwork and architecture were absolutely mind boggling. 
Sistine Chapel-- I got yelled at for taking this picture. whoops
After what seemed like hours admiring artwork (Raphael and Michelangelo (among others) are absolutely incredible--I have such a newfound respect for them and their work) and being absolutely blown away, we walked through the city and across the river to a cute little (really tiny) restaurant we found online. 

The food was really good, but very slow-- (that's just the European way I suppose), but it was tasty and nice to relax a bit! We walked to the Coliseum and it was absolutely breathtaking and incredible. The buildings are sooo old, yet so well preserved and simply beautiful. (Yes, I took these pictures!)
Someone pinch me, because this cannot be real. /// Thank-You, Jesus that I get to call this guy Dad. So thankful for the impact he has had on my life, even more thankful for the time spent together this weekend. 
Trevi Fountain//Lizzie McGuire anyone?
Trevi Fountain was next on our list, and it was gorgeous! We finished the night with melon and prosciutto (we are kind of obsessed), and some bread (also an obsession), then took the bus back. I got to hear about my dad's jobs growing up and how he got to where he is. I'm so thankful for his love, compassion, and care for me. He's such a great example of someone who loves his family, takes care of them, works incredibly hard and serves others. One on one time was just what my heart needed.

God, thank you for this weekend. It was just what my soul needed. You are so good and I'm so thankful for this special weekend and once in a lifetime opportunity with my dad. 


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