2019 in Review

As I do the typical “reflect on this year post” I’m overcome with thankfulness with all that God did. This year had some highs, but as with every year, it also had some lows. As I reflect, I'm reminded how much both the highs and the lows taught me about Christ, His plans for me, and letting go of what I thought my future would look like and allowing God to use me where He leads. 

The lows taught me forgiveness doesn’t happen overnight. It is a long, grueling process. Many things can happen that remind me of situations that make me hurt all over again. 
I also learned that just moving on doesn’t mean I’ve dealt with it.

Whatever your low was this year- broken relationships, “unfair circumstances”, heartbreak, death, the list can go on; if you haven’t dealt with it and have just brushed it under the rug, deal with it. Confrontation, reflection and hard conversations aren’t fun, but they need to happen. It’s necessary for growth. Be honest with where you're at. Find people to talk to about it. Talk to God. I'll be honest, that was a struggle for me this year. I continually found myself struggling and trying to do it on my own... Why I do this when I have a God who has it all under control always frustrates me, but I am so thankful for a God who is faithful and forgiving through it all. 

Both in the highs and lows I also was reminded to hold the relationships that are important to me tight.  A lot of changes occurred, which caused life with many in my life to look different. I learned to enjoy the little moments. In the everyday mundane where life seems boring, God is still at work, and truly is working things together for our good, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the time. 

So now, for my year in review- if you don't care, keep scrolling :) But while writing this I have been reminded of all that God did throughout this year, in the little and big moments. Not to mention this is a great time capsule for me to look back on for years to come. 

January- I flew to Honduras a week early to spend time with my man who ended up moving to Utila a month earlier than expected. Thank you, Jesus for your timing and a cheap flight to spend time with Wilgen before we began long distance for a few months. 

The Best Surprise.
February- Two friends and I surprised our guys and a friend in Utila. It was the best surprise I’ve ever pulled off, and if you know me, you know I love surprises- so that's saying something!!! I've never been so giddy excited, and Wilgen was literally speechless for about 30 minutes. 

My parents meeting Wilgen
 for the first time! 
March was a tough month in a lot of ways. I had to say some tough goodbyes. I made some tough decisions that affected my future, and I moved in the middle of a school year to a new, difficult class. It was, however sweet, as both my parents visited me in Honduras AND got to meet Wilgen!! It was a great week🤗 

April & May
 were months of transition to Utila but were filled with so many sweet and memorable moments with my man and some friends complete with snorkeling, bike rides, and adventures that filled every weekend. 

June was the best month!! I spent a month with two of my very best friends in Costa Rica. It was filled with lots of pizza and live music, slow Saturdays at the pool and beach, surfing lessons, and of course lots of studying and speaking Spanish. I loved my professor and learned so so much! I wish I could have stayed longer!

In July, my brother got married!!! It was such a fun wedding and was so great to see and spend time with friends and family. 

I loved the extra time with my mom
in August! 
Mixed popcorn (butter & caramel),
an icee, and a coke are a must!
August was a month of re-transitioning back to Utila. My mom returned to Utila with me for a week, and we had a blast living with my roommate, Katlyn. It was tight corners with all three of us in our house, but it was full of fun!

September & October were plagued with sickness as I had lots of health problems and struggled with my class. As always, God was so gracious in providing a friend to step into my class so that I could see a specialist on the mainland. 

Memories from these two months are sweet moments spent with my man who took care of me too well. Our favorite activity was going to see a movie on the mainland.

November- Wigen and I got engaged!!! While I knew it was coming, I was surprised how and when he asked. It was the easiest “yes” to the man I have prayed for years for. We later had to say a teary goodbye (for me) a few days early as my great grandmother passed away and I flew home early. Despite the circumstances it was good to be with family during a time such as that.

I'm so thankful Katlyn was able to take pictures for us!! They may just be iPhone pictures, but they are my most favorite and most treasured! I'm so thankful for her friendship!

December- God has been so good in providing jobs for me as I’m home! It’s been a busy month full of working, which I am so thankful for! I also got to visit two friends I taught with in Honduras, and it was the sweetest weekend with them!

 Oh, and I said “yes” to the dress!!! I cannot wait to wear it as I marry the man of my dreams 😍❤️ 

2019 was a year full of growth, both personal and in my relationship with Christ and with Wilgen. I’m so ready for 2020. I’m going to be a WIFE!😍 Let the wedding preparation commence! 


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